The people have spoken. You want the shelf to be bigger. Now that my Blog is over 1000 views I figured it's time to expand. With offices in Cleveland, London, and Fort Worth, I might as well have an employee to boss around, right? So, with out further ado, here is the first taste of a new Kolumn by Krazy Kevin :
A lot has transpired this last week in the time frame I refer to as the deadzone. Which is the period that falls between the NFL ending and March Madness beginning. It pretty much leaves us professional sports bloggers to mock only headlines from the NBA and a fun hobby Canadians call hockey, unless of course someone goes to jail or kicks the bucket. Unfortunately for me neither of those things came through in big way.
Luckily an ESPN employee pulled the dumbass move of the week and got himself fired. During the media bukkake event of this young NBA season*, an ESPN journalist got caught up in the yellow fever and allowed and embarrassing Jeremy Rin headline slip. People really need to be more socially conscience before they post things on the internet.
NCAA News : Until I can get my head around Murray St. being ranked 12 I won’t even get into it.
Luckily during a deadzone week we have some big news coming out of the MLB. Ryan Braun’s piss has been cleared of any wrong doing through a technicality, further proving why the Aryan race prospers. In related news Barry Bonds was arrested on jay-walking chargers.
NASCAR, NHL, MLS News: lol, oh wait out of the Major League Indoor Soccer League (not a joke) I think Iverson was offered a contract because he’s “fast”. Really great PR move by w/e team decided to dive on this grenade. He doesn’t even have to practice to cash in on this deal. Practice?!? They offered him $20,000/game to be famous and run around the pitch. Luckily for this team he beat several wives and will be paying alimony well into 2084. Good for indoor soccer.
Upset Picks of the weekend:
Someone somewhere will give two-shits about the NBA All-Star Game
Kyrie Irving wins skills comp
Sunday- Wisconsin over Ohio State
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